Secure Shopping
We take it seriously - Buy with confidence.
How do you know shopping is secure at
- The Mypashmina website uses WordPress and Woocommerce, which is the most popular website tools. Therefore they are constantly receiving new updates to keep security tip top, and there is an army of people looking for security holes before the bad guys do!
- The website is checked by TRUSTWAVE . This is a 3rd party company recommended by Paypal to check e-commerce stores for security. They scan the site and make recommendations every few weeks. The recommendations have to be implemented or the seal is revoked.
Click on the seal to check it’s validity.
3. The entire website uses secure URLS. Note the https in the URL address bar, and the green padlock next to it (in most browsers).
4. Your card payments are processed by Paypal. They are the biggest online payment processor, and therefore one of the most trusted. With Paypal you don’t even need card details if you set up an account.
5. You can pay with Bitcoin if you like. This is the most secure form of payment. It takes more energy than there is in the universe to crack a Bitcoin!